1. Demonstrate how Demian’s function as a Christ figure can be reconciled to his being a spokesman for Nietzsche’s ideas. 2. Discuss whether or not Demian and Frau Eva are real characters or whether they exist only in Sinclair’s mind. 3. Explain the terms “collective unconscious,” anima, and “archetype.” 4. […]
Read more Study Help Essay QuestionsHermann Hesse Biography
Hermann Hesse was born in the little south German village of Calw on July 2, 1877. Situated on the edge of the Black Forest, Calw was to become the colorful setting of much of Hesse’s writing. Hesse was the son of Johannes Hesse, who had been a missionary for the […]
Read more Hermann Hesse BiographyCharacter Analysis Franz Kromer
Kromer is Sinclair’s first human link with the dark world. When he blackmails the young Sinclair, he, in effect, begins Sinclair on his journey. His bullying tactics also serve to cement a friendship between Sinclair and Demian, who comes to his rescue.
Read more Character Analysis Franz KromerCharacter Analysis Knauer
Knauer is a high school student a few years younger than Sinclair. His only important function in the story is as a device by which Sinclair’s growth toward his goal can be illustrated. When Sinclair saves Knauer’s life, Sinclair can be compared to an earlier Demian, who figuratively effected Emil’s […]
Read more Character Analysis KnauerCharacter Analysis Pistorius
Pistorius is a character whom Sinclair meets while in high school and apart from Demian. He also serves as a guide for Sinclair, providing him with a vast background of religious knowledge, particularly about the Gnostic deity Abraxas. Serving also as an amateur psychologist, the character of Pistorius is probably […]
Read more Character Analysis PistoriusCharacter Analysis Frau Eva
Demian’s mother’s major function is related to her name. She represents the concept of the “universal mother.” Possessing all the qualities of Demian, but in greater intensity, she comes to represent that very goal for which Sinclair is striving. She also frequently seems more like a part of Sinclair’s subconscious […]
Read more Character Analysis Frau EvaCharacter Analysis Max Demian
Demian is a puzzling figure. He is obviously very important but only in terms of his relationship to Sinclair. Serving in the novel as a Christ-like figure who leads Sinclair in his quest, Demian is also the spokesman for the philosophical influence of Nietzsche upon Hesse. Demian seems, at times, […]
Read more Character Analysis Max DemianCharacter Analysis Emil Sinclair
The young protege of Demian is far from being an average person. Recognized by Max Demian as a possessor of the “mark” of uniqueness at the age of ten, Sinclair is guided by Demian and others in his search for complete cognition of what it is to be a human […]
Read more Character Analysis Emil SinclairSummary and Analysis Chapter 8 – The End Begins
Just prior to the end of the summer semester, after which Sinclair is scheduled to reluctantly return home, he is in his room, thinking about Frau Eva, willing her to come to him with as much psychic force as he can muster. Responding to the sudden sound of a horse […]
Read more Summary and Analysis Chapter 8 – The End BeginsSummary and Analysis Chapter 7 – Eva
During vacation, prior to entering the university, Sinclair travels to Demian’s former residence in his hometown to inquire as to his whereabouts. The old woman now living there shows Sinclair a photograph of Demian’s mother. It is here that he realizes that this is the woman of his disturbing dream; […]
Read more Summary and Analysis Chapter 7 – Eva